Wide Open Ideas

  • Rejection in the Dating World

    – Most men get rejected a lot by women… – In the majority of situations men are responsible for most phases of escalation in a relationship until sex happens. At each point they are open to rejection. Approaching to start a conversation, the first physical touching, asking for their number or social media info, going…

  • Almost Everyone Can Be A Sadist (Sometimes)

    Usually, when one thinks of sadism, a picture of some type of psychopathic serial killer or medieval torturer comes to mind. However, sadism or at least sadistic thoughts are a lot more common than people might think. Who is the last villain you can remember in real life or in a fictional setting? Specifically, who…

  • Why Do So Many Women Love Traveling?

    You may have noticed a pattern that there are many women who seem to love traveling. Particularly evident on online dating sites, it seems to be a cornerstone of what many young women in particular desire as a part of their lives. So, here we go through reasons for why traveling can be so appealing…

  • The Problem With ‘White Male Privilege’

    The first general problem I have with the term ‘white male privilege’ doesn’t have to do with whether it exists (I think it does), rather it has to do with where it lands on the ranking list of privileges. Here are several privileges that (often) outrank being a white male: -Family wealth -Good looks -High…

  • Try Not to Hate the Celebrity

    Why can people reach the point of genuinely hating celebrities? Scratch that, I know why, because I’ve been annoyed at some myself. Let’s try a different question … – Should people hate celebrities? – The answer is probably not, unless they actually know them in real life. There are likely several reasons why not to…

  • Another Reason Why People are Racist and Sexist

    There are two main options when you see yourself as being at the bottom of a social hierarchy and you are unhappy with your current place. Option 1 is self- improvement (which can take many forms) to move yourself up the hierarchy. The 2nd option is to change the hierarchy without changing yourself. I note…

  • Why Would AI Kill Us All?

    It’s an infamous sci-fi concept and a current real world fear. So, these are some reasons why an artificial intelligence (AI) would try to kill us… Reason 1: It wants to… Made particularly infamous by the Terminator movies this reason implies AI has become so advanced that it is superior to us in intelligence and…

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